Prizm Content Connect
PccViewerServices Library Module

The Prizm Content Connect version 7.0 HTML 5 .NET samples were redesigned from the previous version 6 samples to help modularize the design and simplify the web tier customer sample. The communication portion from the web tier to the back end imaging services (proxy server) are encapsulated into a new assembly and namespace, PccViewerServices. Also, a new feature of this assembly is the ability to get vectored or, more precisely, SVG data instead of just raster JPEG or PNG images. Of course, SVG data can only be generated from appropriate document sources like office documents (i.e. PDF, DOCX, etc.).

The HTML5 Web Tier samples instantiate three class objects from this namespace which perform most of the necessary operations requested by the web client PccViewer control. The class object PrizmContentConnect in PccViewerServices assembly services the license operation in the GetLicense class and is invoked by the client PccViewer control to establish license validity. The other two objects are Document and Page which acquires document information and image data streams as requested by the web client control.

The GetAttributes, GetImage and GetImageTile classes instantiate the Page object for their functionality. The DocumentInformation and GetDocumentAttributes classes use the Document class object for their functionality. Essentially, the web tier samples perform the task of acquiring or parsing the data from the web RESTful URL requests and pass the information into the PccViewerService objects which communicates with the imaging services and returns the requested data. This module performs the steps as outlined in the User Guide section on the Using Prizm > Architecture > HTML5 topic of this document.

The following diagrams outline the key essential functionality of these objects, but see the Developers Guide (API Reference) section for all the methods and their details.

There a few more class object in PccViewerServices which the web application developers may wish to use or modify but they are there to support the fore mentioned objects and can be ignored. In fact, the ResultCache class object must only be modified with care as the imaging services expect file name templates with a precise syntax. Changing the name templates will degrade the imaging services performance. And there are a couple of class objects that closely duplicate the web tier PccHandler child classes but exist for the use of the PccViewerServices module.



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